5a 2023 24/Englisch 5a

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Numbers 1 - 12

Numbers 13 - 999

The Alphabet


indoor outdoor
to go dancing

to jump in the pool

to play volleyball

to play table tennis/football

to visit your grandparents

to go shopping

to go to a museum

to play boardgames

to play handball

to meet with friends

to go to the cinema

to play billard

to read

to play computer games

to draw

to go surfing

to go hiking

to ride your bike/go cycling

to play football

to go horseriding

to go swimming

to walk/go walking

to jump and run

to go mountainbiking

to go on a waterslide

to build a camp

to go camping

to go canoeing or kayaking

to build a snowman

to go fishing

to go (ice)skating

to play (ice) hockey

to go skiing


How old are you?

  • How old are you? Schwierig!!! Wichtig: "Er ist / sie ist" ==> "He is/she is"! "Are you ...?" ==> "Bist du ...?"

"to be (am, are, is, ...")

There is / there are

  • Worksheet 1 Lösung: 1) There is 2) There are 3) There are ... 4) There is 5) There are ... 6) There is 7) There are
  • Online exercise 1
  • Online exercise 2
  • Worksheet 2 Lösung: 1) five 2) one 3) three 4) one eraser/rubber 5) are twelve boys. 6) is one book 7) are eighteen circles 8) are seven computers 9) are eleven rectangles 10) is one pencilcase 11) are twenty-six students


Schreibung des Plurals:

+ es

+ s

y zu -ies

cupboardhobbyflashwishclasssentencesofahousecatfatherfamily => families (Konsonant vor "y".)

He, she, it, you, I, they? (Pronomen)

My, your, his/her/its, our, their? (Possessive forms)

Short answers with "to be (am, are, is, ...")


Have got and has got


- What is the question? Example: The girl is in the house. - Where is the girl?

  1. I am 10 years old.
  2. This is a pencil
  3. No, Leonard is not my friend!
  4. They are in the garden
  5. Yes, we are at home.
  6. It is Riva's book.
  7. I am 10 years old. - How old are you?

Translate (Übersetze!)

  1. Wo ist deine Katze?
  2. Bist du sein Freund? Nein, bin ich nicht.
  3. Wer sind diese zwei Jungen?
  4. Wie groß ist euer Haus?
  5. Was sind deine Lieblingsfarben?
  6. Wessen Haustiere sind das?


Bestimmter Artikel: Aussprache von "the": /ðə/ oder /ði:/?

Can und Can't




Explanation s-Genitive

Exercises s-Genitive

Say these things in English: - Write them into your exercise-book for school!
Beispiel: Ein Mann fragt, wessen Süßigkeiten das sind? "Whose sweets are these"?

  1. Sage, dass das die Süßigkeiten deiner Schwestern sind! "These are my sisters' sweets."
  2. Jemand fragt, ob das dein Auto oder das Auto deines Bruders ist. "Is that your car or your brother's car?"
  3. Du antwortest, dass es das Auto deiner Eltern ist. "It is my parents' car.
  4. Du willst wissen, warum der Hund von Herrn Brehm so schnell ist. "Why is Mr Brehm's dog so fast?"
  5. Brunos Beine sind sehr lang! Bruno's legs are very long."
  6. Der Hund von meiner Oma kann nicht rennen. "My grandma's dog can't run."

Die Lösung gibt es bei Herrn Thelenberg - oder am PC durch Dreifachklicken auf die Satz-Zeile!

NEW - Wie sagt man das auf Englisch?
  1. Das T-Shirt von meinem Bruder ist zu klein für mich. is for .
  2. Die Augen meiner Brüder sind grün und braun. are green and brown.
  3. Die Tante meiner Cousine ist meine Mutter! aunt is mother.
  4. Die Namen meiner Eltern sind Leo und Malina! are Leo and Malina.
  5. Der Hund von Lukas ist sehr groß! is very big!
  6. Wo ist die Katze der Dixons? is the ?
  7. Sie ist nicht in Sarahs Zimmer! She ' in
  8. Die Räder der Kinder sind nicht im Haus. bikes in the house.

My parents' namesis notMy brothers' eyesLukas's dogMy cousinSarah's room.My bother's shirttoo smallThe children'sDixons' catWherememyaren't

S-genitive or of-phrase?

Die Fenster des Hauses ...

Der Hund von Tante Rita ...

Das Zimmer der Kinder

Michaels Bücher ...

Word Order (Satzstellung)

Basic word order: S(ubject) - P(redicate) - O(bject) - Place - Time
Explanation word order

  1. Exercise word order 1
  2. Exercise word order 2
  3. Exercise word order 3 - with adverbs
  1. Exercise word order 4 - with adverbs
  2. Exercise word order 5 - with adverbs

Telling the time

  1. quarter past/to + half past/to) - Mit der Maus rechte "Kärtchen" zu richtiger Uhrzeit ziehen
  2. What time is it 1?
  3. What time is it 2?
  4. What time is it 3?
  5. Write the time!
  6. Listen - What time is it?
  7. Fill the blanks:

12:52 is minutes one. 9:17 is past nine.
But 9:30 ist half - that's easy. And 8:45 is easy, too: It is quarter to nine.
In the evening, you can have dinner at 18:00 - that is six .
Then it is 18:37 - or to .
At (digital time!) - or ten past nine - I go to bed, but I can read till to - or nine-forty.


Simple Present

Verb forms in the Simple Present

  1. 3rd-person -s Exercise 1
  2. 3rd-person -s Exercise 2
  3. 3rd-person -s Exercise 3
  4. 3rd-person -s Exercise 4

Put the verbs in the correct group!





Questions with or without "do" or "does"



Negative sentences with or without "do" or "does"

More exercises on questions/negative statements

  • he live in Nottingham? No, he
  • you good at maths? Yes, I am.
  • your parents help you with your homework? - No, I must do that alone.
  • I want to go to school tomorrow. I to sleep long.
  • you help me with these big boxes? - No, I .
  • My uncle "hasn't" got a big car, but my mum's car is quite big.
  • But mum give her car to other people.


Object form of pronouns

Present Progressive


  1. Present Progressive???
  2. How to form the present progressive
  3. Form: Exercise 1
  4. Form: Exercise 2

Exercises 1

Exercises 2

Present Progressive or Simple Present

Present Progressive Simple Present
  • in diesem Moment, gerade stattfindende Handlungen
  • noch nicht abgeschlossen, andauernde Handlungen
  • Bildbeschreibung: ... was gerade geschieht
  • allgemein, regelmäßig, wiederholt, oft, nie, manchmal stattfindende Handlungen
  • Dinge, die immer so sind (Berlin is in Germany)
  • nacheinander stattfindende Handlungen, kurze Handlungen (He comes in, sits down and starts to eat)
What are you doing? - I'm cooking for my mum. I am not sleeping! What do you do on Sundays? - I usually cook for mum.
Signalwörter Signalwörter
  • now
  • at the moment
  • today (aber eben nicht immer!)
  • Listen!
  • Look! (Schau, was ich gerade mache ...)
  • every day/night/week/Monday ... on Mondays/Tuesdays ...
  • often
  • normally
  • always
  • usually
  • sometimes
  • never
  • first ... then (aufeinander folgende, kurze Handlungen)

"some" and "any"

"much" and "many", "little" and "a few"

With countable nouns (zählbare Nomen, die eine Singular- und eine Pluralform haben!)

  • Nomen im Plural: ==> many = viel/viele → e.g. many cars, many friends
  • Nomen im Plural: ==> a few = ein paar/wenige → e.g. a few friendss

With uncountable nouns (nicht zählbare Nomen, die keine Pluralform haben!)

  • Nomen im Singular: ==> much = viel/viele → e.g. much money, much milk (viele Milche wäre Unsinn!)
  • Nomen im Singular: ==> little = wenig → e.g. little money, little wind (viele Winde wäre Unsinn!)

Ordinal numbers and Dates



must, mustn't, needn't

Simple Past

Das Simple past steht mit Handlungen, die schon abgeschlossen sind!

  • I came home at nine o' clock last night.
  • We didn't see you yesterday.
  • Why didn't/couldn't they help him on Monday?

Achte also auf klare Zeitangaben der Vergangenheit!
Typische Signalwörter sind:

  • last month, night, week, ....
  • a week/year/day/ .... ago
  • yesterday
  • in 2015 (wenn dises Jahr schon vorbei ist ....)
  • on Monday/Wednesday ... (wenn dieser Tag schon vorbei ist in dieser Woche!)
