8b 2019 20/Englisch

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Wiederholung: Grammatik und mehr

Auf dieser Seite verlinke ich Übungen zur Wiederholung und Festigung des bisherigen Stoffes. Es ist ausreichend, wenn ihr Einheiten von ca. 10-15 min plant: lernt kürzere Einheiten, dafür häufiger und regelmäßig!

Basic: dieser Stoff ist Grundwissen und sollte sicher von allen beherrscht werden

Intermediate: Aufgaben mit mittlerem Anspruchsniveau

Advanced: Aufgaben mit höherem Anspruchsniveau


Übersicht Zeiten: [1]


  • present tense (simple + progressive): [6]
  • present perfect (simple + progressive): [7]
  • past tense (simple + progressive): [8]
  • past perfect (simple + progressive): [9]; [10]
  • future tenses (will-future / going-to future): [11]; [12]


mixed bag tenses: [13]; [14]; [15]; [16]


mixed bag tenses: [17]; [18]; [19]

Reported speech

Übersicht reported speech: [20]




Conditional clauses

Übersicht conditional clauses:[31]


Intermediate: [37];[38]; [39];

Advanced: exceptions

[40]; [41]; [42]; [43]

Passive voice

Übersicht passive voice: [44]

Basic:[45]; [46]; [47]; [48]

Intermediate:[49]; [50]; [51]; [52]

Advanced[53]; [54]; [55]; [56]; [57]; [58]

Miscellaneous grammar

definite / indefinite / ( - ) article

[59]; [60]; [61]; [62]; [63]

possessive pronouns

[64]; [65];[66]; [67]; [68]

concord of nouns and verbs


skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing

listening: British council

Ferienprogramm: Having fun with English

  • for those of you being addicted to news - watch daily news for young people on CNN (AmE)[72] or BBC (BrE) [73]
  • for gamers: visit the Harry Potter escape room [74] - hopefully you'll find a way out!
  • feeling creative? learn to paint like Yayoi Kusame and others [75] - Museum of Modern Art
  • interested in science and more - let's do it in English: watch TED talks; look at TED Ed or TED for kids
  • for athletes: toilet role keepie-uppies [76]; daily P.E. lesson with Joe Wick 9:00 [77];
  • for singers: join Gareth Malone's Home Choir - every Friday 6:30 [78]
  • for future chefs and bakers: bake your own bread and more with Jamie Oliver [79];
  • and at the end of the day - watch CBeebies bedtime-stories: stars (from Orlando Bloom to Robbie Williams) read bedtime stories for the BBC - it's better than Sandmann + it's English