Welcome to Module 1 - Adjectives!
You know that adjectives can help you make your stories more exciting and describe situations and characters more accurately. In this module, you will learn some new adjectives to use in your project. Have fun with the following activities.
Adjectives you can use to talk about friendship (Freundschaft)
These are the new words you will learn. If you don't knwo how to pronounce them correctly, check the pronunciation with the help of an online dictionary.
Y | L | F | N | J | T | M | N | Y |
R | X | C | A | R | I | N | G | K |
A | E | M | A | E | J | W | P | R |
I | M | M | Q | L | H | T | Q | L |
F | S | I | P | I | J | E | U | M |
B | H | Z | A | A | L | F | A | X |
H | A | A | B | B | P | K | I | X |
E | L | B | M | L | L | A | C | D |
Z | I | U | E | E | P | E | Z | F |
W | H | H | Z | P | U | O | N | U |
Adjectives you can use insted of nice
My brother is nice. My sister is nice. My friend is nice. Somehow everyone is nice.
Why don't you use other words instead of nice? Check the pronunciation with the help of an online dictionary.
Match the English words with the appropriate meaning!
Adjectives with a negative meaning
You want to say that someone is a bad person. You can use these words to describe him or her.
cruelunbedachtunfreundlichunverschämtherzloswickedunkindrudeunhöflichimpolitehatefulthoughtlessabscheulich, hassenswertboshaftgemein, grausamunfriendly
Adjectives that express sadness
You want to say that someone is sad. You can use these words to describe the feeling differently.
unglücklichunhappyseriousdepressedmiserabeltraurigsorrowfulniedergeschlagensorgenvolldiscouragedtrübselig, tristmiserablegloomyentmutigternstmournful
... is the opposite of couragoeous.
... is the adjective of depression.
Swap two letters of the word miserable and you have the German word.
Unhappy and without hope.
Please don't laugh - I'm being ....
The noun is mourning.
mournfulgloomyIf you are not happy, you are ....seriousmiserablediscourageddepressedWhoever is full of sorrow is ...
This is the end of Module 1. I hope you are content, joyful and delighted. I am glad that you have learned so much. You should be proud of yourself. Use as many words as you like for your project.